Tagged Themed Food

Eggs Benedict Cumberbatch

Eggs Benedict Cumberbatch

There’s this up-and-coming actor… he’s hardly done a thing. Totally untalented. He’s a little homely. He has no charm, what-so-ever. He has this terrible British accent. People have a really hard time rooting for him. You probably haven’t even heard his name. It’s Beneduck Cucumberpatch. Or… something like that. Regardless, I see something in him…

Animal Crossing Cupcakes

Animal Crossing Cupcakes

I’m like, 12. Or at least I act it sometimes. I think that’s a big part of the reason I’m not a mom. I’d end up yelling at the kid that it’s MY turn to play the video game. I watch cartoons, I collect toys and I play video games. I know a lot of…

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