Tagged Rum

The Four Cocktails of the Apocalypse

The Four Cocktails of the Apocalypse

Look. I don’t think it’s any surprise that I’m into comic books. I know everyone is in love with what Marvel Cinematic Universe is doing right now. I get it. It’s huge and it’s epic and who doesn’t love the fucking Avengers? The storylines are fairly thorough and the characters are well-portrayed. But you know…

Piña Colada Fudge

Piña Colada Fudge

I’m not a big summer/beach/tropical kind of girl. I like warmth in moderation and I fear the sun. But that doesn’t mean I don’t absolutely love the flavors associated with all that shit. And on a rainy, cold, gloomy Sunday in May, there is nothing better than tapping into those flavors. Get your tropics on….

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