Tagged Pop Culture

Sexist Curry

Boom King Curry

Oh my god, she’s so hot She’s so flippin’ hot, she’s like a curry I want to tell her how hot she is But she’ll think I’m being sexist She’s so hot, she’s making me sexist If you guys don’t have Boom King stuck in your head for at least a day after reading this,…


Topless o’ the Mornin’ to You Burger

My first post back was supposed to be a Bojack Horseman recipe. And it’s still coming. I promise. But hiccups are to be expected and I’m getting back on track with a Bob’s Burgers specialty. Last season’s premiere was a blast with several fan-animated scenes of the Belchers turning the restaurant into a top tier…

Chicken for Carrie

Star Wars: General O’s Chicken

While we are all ecstatic for the release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi this weekend, I can’t help to feel it is a bit bittersweet. Sure, I’m thrilled to be thrust back into the universe that we’ve grown up with, with storylines and characters that are new but also familiar. There’s so much to…

Cocaine-Dusted Bearclaws

Cocaine-Dusted Bearclaws

Archer is back and … back to normal. After last season’s complete departure (to mixed reviews) from the typical super spy plotlines to the crazy drug-selling, country music-singing Archer Vice, the team is back in the office. The office that has been painstakingly remodeled to look exactly like the old one (with the exception of…

Holy Shit Snacks and Green Russians

Nerdy Costume Sidekicks

Some of you are dorks. Full-fledged, no-shame dorks. And I love you for that. You dorks that will be dressing up as your favorite TV, movie, book or video game characters for halloween… I love you even more. A lot of us don our dorky little costumes and then go off to a house party…


Cancer Gets LOST 2014

LOST is back. But not really. It is however, living on through the sale of memorable props from the island (and beyond). Cancer Gets LOST 2014 is an auction of television and movie memorabilia, hosted by BlackSparrow Auctions. It’s going on now through September 27th and there is some amazing shit over there. If you…

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