Tagged Fruity

Ecto Cooler Cream Pie

Ecto Cooler Cream Pie

As per my blogging formula: in celebration of the big thing happening this week, I made a theme recipe! Sure, tomorrow (Friday, July 15th) is a big day. Not only is Ghostbusters being released in theaters, but it’s my birthday. Which, I’m sure you already know and have movie tickets purchased and amazon gifts on…


Elvis Rolls

I am by no means a huge Elvis fan. (My uncle is, though.) But I am, however, fascinated with the hubub around the Elvis Sandwich. Restaurants all over the country have some sort of a take on it. There’s even a whole section on it in his Wikipedia page. To quote Wikipedia, which I’m not…

Breakfast Club Breakfast

The Breakfast Club Breakfast

It’s a classic. You’ve all seen it and you all love it. So to get you in the back-to-school state of mind, whether you have kids or not, I whipped up some Breakfast Club-themed breakfast recipes. Because there is nothing more quintessentially SCHOOL DAYS than our favorite group of misfits. There’s a recipe to fit…

Beer Battered PB & J

Peanut Battered Jelly Time

There are a few questions, that if you were to ask me, I know that my opinion would be the opposite of the general public. The Beatles or the Monkees? Well, the Monkees, obviously. Heads or Tails? Tails. I always pick tails. Would you rather have a horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses? A…

Bacon and Blueberry Crostini

Bacon & Blueberry Crostini

You know how sometimes we just need a quick, easy, impressive recipe? Cause someone’s coming over and we don’t have a lot of time… or cause we want to be fabulous and we don’t have a lot of time… ooorrrr in my case, we don’t want to miss posting on the blog this week, but…

Neapolitan Whoopie Pies

Neapolitan Whoopie Pies

It’s summer, my little freaks! That means barbecues, cold beers and ice cream. Fuck it, it’s too hot for barbecues. How about just cold beers and ice cream? I whipped up a recipe that incorporates the flavors of both of those things, without actually being either of those things. (Just to keep you guys on…

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