Tagged Eggs


Topless o’ the Mornin’ to You Burger

My first post back was supposed to be a Bojack Horseman recipe. And it’s still coming. I promise. But hiccups are to be expected and I’m getting back on track with a Bob’s Burgers specialty. Last season’s premiere was a blast with several fan-animated scenes of the Belchers turning the restaurant into a top tier…

Pocket Quiches with Pant Prosciutto

BoJack Horseman: Pocket Quiches

BoJack Horseman Season 4 Today snuck up on you. I know it did. You might not even realize what today is, because that’s how this goes. Your favorite Netflix series pops up, a whole season at a time, without fanfare or fuss. TODAY, Season 4 of BoJack Horseman dropped on Netflix. That wonderful, awful show…

Jurassic World

Jurassic World

I think everyone my age has a story about when they watched Jurassic Park. It came out in 1993. That means I was approximately nine years old when I watched it. My mom took me and my brother to the drive-in. (That makes me seem even older.) A nine-year-old watching a movie about giant dinosaurs…

Eggs Benedict Cumberbatch

Eggs Benedict Cumberbatch

There’s this up-and-coming actor… he’s hardly done a thing. Totally untalented. He’s a little homely. He has no charm, what-so-ever. He has this terrible British accent. People have a really hard time rooting for him. You probably haven’t even heard his name. It’s Beneduck Cucumberpatch. Or… something like that. Regardless, I see something in him…

Uber Epic Scramble

Uber Epic Scramble

For breakfast, scrambles are the tits. It’s simple and fucking delicious every time. I was throwing shit together the other day and it turned out so well that I had to write it down. This isn’t one of my egg white healthy shits. It’s got potatoes and sausage and cheese and it’s exactly what you’re…

Sweet Dee's Christmas Strata

Sweet Dee’s Christmas Strata

It’s that time of year again where all the nerds step from their dark doorways, blinking into the bright summer sun, donning their bestest cosplay gear and nicest camera equipment, thrusting themselves into the sweaty world of comics, film and television with other like-minded individuals and the actors/writers/illustrators that turned them into the fanboys and…

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