Tagged Dinner

Stir Crazy Chicken

Stir Crazy Chicken

I’ve been a little less present on Bacon and Legs and HoboTrashcan as of lately. Over the holidays, my father-in-law became very ill. He passed last week. I’ve been with my family in Ohio, helping to take care of things. My father-in-law was a remarkable man with a super interesting life. I always knew of…

Mozz Stick Grilled Cheese

Fried Mozzarella Grilled Cheese

My grilled cheese sandwiches usually stem from an inspiration ingredient. This time, it was like a freaking no-brainer. I was at the store and I found frozen mozzarella sticks. I thought, what better cheese to make a grilled cheese with, than fried cheese. Obviously. Thus, the fried mozzarella grilled cheese was born. I will say…

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