Tagged Decadent

Founder's Porter Pretzel Truffles

Founders Porter and Pretzel Truffles

There are few things greater in life than the combination of sweet and salty. Especially when the sweet component comes from chocolate. But I’m not about to be satisfied with that. I WANT to make it better. Oh wait, I did. I added beer. These easy-to-make/easier-to-eat Porter & Pretzel Chocolate truffles are going with you…

Abby Normal's Quiche L'Brain

Abby Normal’s Quiche L’Brain

In my attempt to seem as outdated as possible, I’ve dedicated my HoboTrashcan Halloween column this year to a movie that is ten years older than myself… Young Frankenstein. I can’t help it, it doesn’t age. I’m also hoping that Gene Wilder will follow suit and doesn’t age. That’d be great. I know it’s not…

Beer Battered PB & J

Peanut Battered Jelly Time

There are a few questions, that if you were to ask me, I know that my opinion would be the opposite of the general public. The Beatles or the Monkees? Well, the Monkees, obviously. Heads or Tails? Tails. I always pick tails. Would you rather have a horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses? A…

The Good Shit Pasta

The Good Shit (Pasta)

Summer is closing soon, and I couldn’t be happier. I’m a fall and winter girl and I always dread the heat. But, I can’t deny how awesome it is to have fresher produce and bright flavors. With that in mind, I couldn’t let summer close out without doing something fresh, bright and yummy. It’ll still…

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