Tagged Cupcakes

Harley's Puddin'

Harley’s Red Velvet Puddin’

As a Marvel girl, I have to say… it’s exciting to be this jazzed about a DC film. As a coulrophobe, it’s even more exciting to be jazzed about a film that features a character with heavy face makeup. Suicide Squad comes out tomorrow (Friday, August 5th) and you should definitely check it out. But…

Deluxe Peppermint Mocha Cupcakes

Deluxe Peppermint Mocha Porter Cupcakes

I bake cookies for Christmas all the time. Occasionally I throw in some candy or nuts. But how much can you really do with nuts? I wanted to embody what I love about Christmas into one dessert. Every year, just after Thanksgiving… or lately, just before… the Starbucks red cups come out and every year……

Easy Chocolate Stout Cupcakes

Easy Choklat Stout Cupcakes

I am guilty of this. I think a lot of food bloggers out there try to make everything from the scratchiest of scratch to prove their worth. But the truth of the matter is, that’s not always what it’s about. Sometimes my readers want a simple delicious recipe that they’ll actually make because it doesn’t…

Animal Crossing Cupcakes

Animal Crossing Cupcakes

I’m like, 12. Or at least I act it sometimes. I think that’s a big part of the reason I’m not a mom. I’d end up yelling at the kid that it’s MY turn to play the video game. I watch cartoons, I collect toys and I play video games. I know a lot of…

Pumpkin Spice Invasion Cupcakes

Pumpkin Spice Invasion Cupcakes

I know the internet has it’s panties in a bunch about America’s pumpkin spice invasion. Is there an increasingly excessive amount of pumpkin spice products on the market each fall? Hell yes there are. But guess what… and brace yourself, because you won’t believe this… you don’t have to buy them. But you do have…

Jake and Rainicorn Cupcakes

Adventure Time Cupcakes

If you haven’t already seen it, Adventure Time is this amazing cartoon on Cartoon Network. It’s kid-appropriate but more importantly, endlessly entertaining for adults. I don’t even have kids, but I Tivo the shit out of it. It has this whole deep/dark theme of how the characters live in a post-apocalyptic world. The main antagonist…

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