Tagged British

Opium Den Snack

Sherlock: Mid-Case Roast Beef Sandwich

I had removed myself from the food blogging game. It was a well-needed break and I’m not incredibly certain that I’m ready to jump back in. But here I am. In the middle of (what I consider to be) political turmoil and fighting clinical depression and crippling anxiety, I am here to provide you with snarky…

Eggs Benedict Cumberbatch

Eggs Benedict Cumberbatch

There’s this up-and-coming actor… he’s hardly done a thing. Totally untalented. He’s a little homely. He has no charm, what-so-ever. He has this terrible British accent. People have a really hard time rooting for him. You probably haven’t even heard his name. It’s Beneduck Cucumberpatch. Or… something like that. Regardless, I see something in him…

Changers and Mash

Changers and Mash

Get ready to Chang your point of view. Do you watch Community? I’m sure you do. Everyone I know watches it, yet it had shitty ratings. That tends to be how it is for a lot of my shows. The poorly written, cliche-filled laugh track comedies get to live on for years and years while…

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