Tagged Boozy

Boozy Figgy Pudding

Lil Fig Puddings with Boozy Caramel Sauce

I’ve been listening to some Christmas music… a lot of Christmas music… lately. But I’ve been actually listening to it and processing the lyrics. I have to say, I don’t like what I’m hearing. I’ve even put together my list of Top Five Most Fucked Up Christmas Songs. Merry Little Christmas – I thought this…

Great Lakes Blackout ShakeGreat Lakes Blackout Shake

Blackout Shake

I don’t think it’s any secret that I’m partial to Great Lakes Brewing Company. Not just because it’s in Cleveland (though that doesn’t hurt) but because it’s awesome. I’m big into porters and stouts and I can’t say enough about the Edmund Fitzgerald Porter and the Blackout Stout. So this week on DrinkingCraft.com, I whip…

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