Tagged Beef


Fantastic Beasts and How To Eat Them

Two quick things about me. I love Harry Potter. I love Gene Wilder. These are relevant to one another, I promise. Just give me a second. So, when I was a kid, we’re gonna say 4 years old, definitely not a teenager, the first Harry Potter movie came out. I hadn’t read any of the…

Opium Den Snack

Sherlock: Mid-Case Roast Beef Sandwich

I had removed myself from the food blogging game. It was a well-needed break and I’m not incredibly certain that I’m ready to jump back in. But here I am. In the middle of (what I consider to be) political turmoil and fighting clinical depression and crippling anxiety, I am here to provide you with snarky…

Cabbage Rolls a la Agent Peggy Carter

Carter Rolls

A full season in and I’m torn. Agent Carter was difficult to get into, had a hard time holding my attention AND I’ve already forgotten most of the plot of season one. But you ask, “Oh, did you watch Agent Carter?” and I’ll emphatically say “Yes! I loved it!” What the hell is that all…

Broodwich (Sandwich) - Aqua Teen Hunger Force

Life Cycle of an Aqua Teen

Aqua Teen Hunger Force has a strange place in my life. Much like flatulence, my reaction to it is dependent on my mood. If I’m in a bad mood, I don’t find it funny but rather an annoying nuisance on the world. If I’m in a good mood, it’s the funniest fucking thing that could…

Franks Underwood

Franks Underwood

Spoiler Warning: Maybe don’t read this (or anything else on the internet) if you aren’t caught up. Tomorrow (Friday, February 27th), Netflix is giving us the gift of President Underwood. When the second season ended last year, our favorite southern democrat had hand-crafted and manipulated every situation in Washington to bend to his will. Through…



Having just moved to Ohio, I have very few friends in the area. I was pumped when this wonderful, charming girl (who I kinda know) wanted to hang out. Friend date! I offered to cook for her. She said she liked Mexican food and cheese and she tries to steer clear of gluten. I love…

Cheddar Ball Saul (Trio)

Cheddar Ball Saul Trio

Saul Motherfucking Goodman is back. I don’t know the stats on how many people watched Breaking Bad, but it was approximately a metric shit ton. While fans of the show pretty much all agree that Vince Gilligan could do no wrong, I’m of the specific opinion that one of the best things he did was…

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