Super recipes for a super obsession.

Flank Castle Steak

The Punisher Pre-Kill Meal

I can’t imagine how much effort it takes to plan a vengeance-filled murder spree and be on point enough not to get taken down yourself. I mean, I get exhausted going to Target. It involves a left turn, you guys. So in my mind, Mr. Frank Castle (Franklin? I like to think it’s Franklin. I…

Xavier's Bowl of Extraordinary Tots

Logan’s Run for the Border

How psyched/bummed are you guys for Logan tomorrow? Or maybe tentative/bummed, depending on your general outlook and attitude on the Wolverine movies. I’m fucking psyched. I love that they are doing a film that is loosely based on the Old Man Logan comic series. I am SUPER bummed that not only is it Hugh Jackman’s last film,…

Lovely Lucille

The Walking Dead: Lovely Lucille

Walking Dead Spoilers. Barely. Whatever, just don’t complain. It’s not always easy being a Walking Dead fan. Deaths upon deaths. Lost body parts. Extreme personality shifts. Your favorite character could be gone in an instant. (I miss you, Chad Coleman!) This why I am protecting myself. I’m no longer allowing myself to get attached to these…

Luke Cage's Power Jam

Luke Cage’s Power Jam

A lot of us will be doing the same thing tonight. Marathoning Luke Cage on Netflix. Between the overblown-budgets of Disney/Marvel movies, the strange decisions that DC is making and the ever-disappointing Fox movies, a small little voice peeped up and said, “Hey. Hey guys. Let me show you what comic fans really want.” Just…

Harley's Puddin'

Harley’s Red Velvet Puddin’

As a Marvel girl, I have to say… it’s exciting to be this jazzed about a DC film. As a coulrophobe, it’s even more exciting to be jazzed about a film that features a character with heavy face makeup. Suicide Squad comes out tomorrow (Friday, August 5th) and you should definitely check it out. But…

The Four Cocktails of the Apocalypse

The Four Cocktails of the Apocalypse

Look. I don’t think it’s any surprise that I’m into comic books. I know everyone is in love with what Marvel Cinematic Universe is doing right now. I get it. It’s huge and it’s epic and who doesn’t love the fucking Avengers? The storylines are fairly thorough and the characters are well-portrayed. But you know…

Batman v. Superman Veggie Burgers

the Bat Cave vs. the Fortress

The Bat Cave vs. the Fortress On my recent travels, I came across a couple of restaurants, very similar in style that I wished to review. The style being… stark, heroic, epic… trying to achieve something grand. The first, was a little basement-level space in the city of Gotham. It’s down a dark alley but…

Dixon's Mixins and Fixins

Dixon’s Mixins and Fixins

Looking through the thick curtain of trees and darkness, Daryl thought about what he’d done. It had been several months since he left the group and went back down to Georgia. He left behind his family. The only people, save Meryl, that he’s ever cared for. But what could he do? He was so sick…

Cabbage Rolls a la Agent Peggy Carter

Carter Rolls

A full season in and I’m torn. Agent Carter was difficult to get into, had a hard time holding my attention AND I’ve already forgotten most of the plot of season one. But you ask, “Oh, did you watch Agent Carter?” and I’ll emphatically say “Yes! I loved it!” What the hell is that all…

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