Welp. Game of Thrones ended so poorly that I gave up blogging for awhile. So we’re starting fresh!
I’m going to start doing a series where I make a recipe themed to each feature-length Disney animated film (chronologically). I have been streaming recipes on Twitch for awhile now but in this endeavor I’d like to try to marry my Twitch stream and my blog. Included in this post will be the stream where I started playing with gooseberries!
This recipe is just that, gooseberry pie. It’s just like the ones that Snow White made for the dwarfs except I didn’t have woodland critters helping me, just my French bulldog… and he’s useless. It ended up being VERY good and, I think, my new favorite pie. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but the gooseberry flavor is really tart and balance out the sweetness of the rest of the pie filling. So, the moral of this story is: the magic mirror was a liar. This pie is the fairest one of all.
Grumpy’s Gooseberry Pie
Adapted from Midwest Living

3 pie crusts (recipe here or store-bought cause making pie crust sucks)
4 cans of gooseberries (I ordered on Amazon)
1 tbsp water
1 ½ cups sugar
¼ cup AP flour
½ tsp nutmeg
½ tsp cinnamon
1 egg and 1 tbsp water, whisked together
Preheat oven to 375°F.
Start your filling. Drain and rinse your gooseberries. (Were you able to land fresh ones? Lucky! Just rinse!) Dump in a saucepan and combine with sugar, flour, nutmeg and cinnamon. Bring to a slow simmer and let the sugar thicken and the gooseberries pop, about ten minutes.
While your berries are cooking away, place pie crust in a 9” pie dish and trim the edges.
Scoop the cooked berries into the pie crust and cover with another crust. Trim to the edge of the pie plate again and crimp the pie crusts together. (This takes skills I don’t have!)
Cut slits to vent so the steam can escape, not only while it’s baking, but while you do the next step. You can view my photo or watch the many gifs of the birds making the pie in the movie for my recommended location… but of course you can cut the vents anywhere you’d like.
Next you’re going to want to take small pieces of the remaining pie dough and roll into cylinders. (I used to do this with Play-Doh all the time when I was a kid. Anyone else?) From here, do your best to recreate the “Grumpy” that the birds so effortlessly spelled out in the movie. If you watch the video, you can tell it wasn’t effortless for me.
When that’s done, brush with the egg wash you made and cover the edges of your crust with foil to protect them from burning. Place the pie dish on a baking sheet in case it bubbles over and place in the oven.
Bake for thirty minutes. Remove the foil, turn the heat up to 425°F and bake for another 15 minutes. The top will be golden, you’ll be super proud you just made a pie and then reality sinks in: you gotta let it cool before cutting into it. Good luck waiting, Grumpy!
'Grumpy’s Gooseberry Pie – Snow White' has 1 comment
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