Fucking nerd.

The New & Reduced baconandlegs.com

When I first started this blog in 2012, my vision was pretty clear. I wanted to make simple comfort food (with a natural emphasis on grilled cheese sandwiches since they are so bomb). Over the years, the website has evolved. Much like my life, it was bound to grow, spread it’s wings, backslide some and eventually expand into a new thing. I began using my knowledge and love of craft beer in a lot of my recipes and added a craft beer component to the website. Most importantly, starting with Game of Thrones, I began developing my love of puns and theme food into another component of the website. This is when I adopted the tagline, “Food. Beer. Nerdery. Classy as Fuck.” 

These days, I feel as though I’m trying to say too many things with this site. So once again, I’m evolving baconandlegs.com. What was once a website with sections for comfort food, craft beer recipes and nerdy theme dishes will now be a website dedicated to just the nerdy theme dishes. By nature, my recipes will still include metric butt-tons of craft beer and they will still stick to your ribs. Never fear, I won’t stop trying to get you all drunk and fat.

If you seek out the older recipes that have given this website it’s backbone over the years, you’ll be able to find them in the EPIC ARCHIVE. They have not gone far. Everything else has been categorized for your convenience. Please feel free to browse the new categories (or search for something if you know what you’re looking for).


I’m excited about moving forward with this new focus and providing you all with the highest quality recipes for all of your pop culture obsessions. Thanks for reading!

Fontina has an Ohio heart and Philly spunk. She loves giving you recipes for hearty food, pop-culture puns and a hell of a lot of craft beer. You can find her in the kitchen, at the bar, on Twitter or marathoning episodes of Shin Chan or Bob's Burgers online.

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