Chicken Mango Tacos and Avocado Crema

Taco Your Damn Tuesday

I’m not one to do cute weekday-themed meals every week. Meatless Monday, Taco Tuesday… it all seems great in theory but I’m just not that dedicated. It’s more like Cereal and String Cheese Monday and Shit, Did I Eat Dinner Tuesday.

In an effort to be, not only cute, but a semi-responsible adult, I’m fixing up a Taco Tuesday recipe. Everyone loves the standard beef, cheese and salsa tacos but that’s not as cute and adult as I’m trying to get here. So let’s go further: slow cooker shredded mango chicken with black beans and a simple avocado crema. YES. Let’s do it.

Mango Chicken Tacos

There’s nothing better than a tasty little taco.

Taco Your Damn Tuesday
1 ½ lbs chicken breasts (boneless/skinless)
½ tbsp chili powder
1 tsp garlic powder
½ tsp cayenne
salt and pepper
¼ cup water
1 mango, peeled and diced
1 mango, peeled and sliced
black beans, cooked and salted
smoky avocado crema (recipe below)
lime wedges

Clean and trim chicken breasts. Sprinkle meat with salt and pepper, cayenne, garlic powder and chili powder. Place in a slow cooker with diced mango and ¼ cup water. Cook on low for 5-6 hours.

Remove meat from the slow cooker, to a large bowl. Using two forks, shred meat.

Heat tortillas. (I actually put them right on my gas stove burner to get a charred/crispy texture. I don’t have any idea if this is safe, I just know it’s super yummy.)

Assemble tacos: tortilla, chicken, black beans, fresh mango slices and a drizzle of avocado crema. Serve with a lime wedge.

for smoky avocado crema
2 avocados, pitted
½ cup greek yogurt
juice of 1 lime
¼ cup fresh cilantro
¼ tsp smoked paprika
salt and pepper

Place all ingredients in a food processor. Blend until smooth.

Fontina has an Ohio heart and Philly spunk. She loves giving you recipes for hearty food, pop-culture puns and a hell of a lot of craft beer. You can find her in the kitchen, at the bar, on Twitter or marathoning episodes of Shin Chan or Bob's Burgers online.

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